about us

about us...


Working on what is fun, where you feel comfortable.


We are passionate technicians and engineers with decades of experience in water treatment and process engineering. We would like to make our experience available to our industrial and municipal customers primarily as consultants. In doing so, we bring environmental sustainability and economic benefits into harmony in the development and optimization of processes and products.


We pursue this philosophy in our spare time. So we use our vehicles and machines where it makes sense, long beyond the usual industry product cycles and give  maintenance priority over the exchange.


We provide our experience in this field by procuring common spare parts for classic two-wheelers worldwide. We like to spend free time with friends and like-minded people with good food from the region. Usually in the environment in which we feel comfortable. Long-distance travel brings us in regions of different character. By linking these regions directly with each other through sales support, we try to transfer some holiday flair into everyday life via the availability of sustainably produced products.






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